IN 1908
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. was founded January 15, 1908, at Howard University’s Miner Hall in Washington, D.C. by Ethel Hedgemon Lyle and 8 other collegiate women. “By Merit and by Culture” embodies the ideals for Negro progress with the official colors as salmon pink and apple green.
Nellie M. Quander led the effort to incorporate Alpha Kappa Alpha to maintain perpetuity on January 29, 1913, alongside Norma E. Boyd and Minnie B. Smith. This incorporation gave AKA license to broaden its service concept and multiply its offerings through subordinate chapters. By 1921, AKA had established the first ten undergraduate chapters. In 1915, AKA held its first public political action conference with Illinois Congressman Martin B. Madden, a human rights activist as the speaker.